The search for new forms of home entertainment due to the coronavirus pandemic generated an interest in Mexicans for the art of cocktails and the mixing of alcoholic beverages, also known as mixology, which together with the holiday season will become the ” lifesaver ‘from the sale of spirits in December.
Specialists and managers point out that the closure of bars, restaurants and other alcohol consumption centers due to the coronavirus pandemic, affected the income of this sector.
However, they estimate that sales of beverages such as whiskey, vodka, rum, gin, brandy and other liquors in Mexico will reach 3 thousand 728 million dollars at the end of this year, which would mean a slight fall of 0.6 percent annually. , according to Statista estimates.
This is supported by the consumption of alcoholic beverages in homes, which tends to rebound mainly due to the Christmas holidays, which will save the sector from a more pronounced drop.
“We have always detected and were able to verify with the exchange of ideas that we have on social networks that Mexicans are interested in drink mixes, they are eager to know how to improve serving them beyond the traditional, with the pandemic this accelerated,” said Óscar Vargas, Marketing Manager of Casa Pedro Domecq.
According to Statista, this year only 4.6 percent of the consumption of spirits was done outside the home in bars, restaurants, discos and hotels, while the remaining 95.4 percent was done inside the home. Before the pandemic, 7 percent of alcohol consumption was outside the home.
Euromonitor International pointed out that in the midst of the pandemic there is the idea of supporting local products, which is an opportunity for national drinks such as tequila or brandy.
“In most categories, growth in sales volume will be maintained in 2020 and it is expected that it will continue to obtain profits, although at a slowing pace,” said the consultancy.
According to Statista, in Mexico 43.4 percent of people who drink prefer brandy, 41.2 percent other liquors, 10 percent whiskey, 3.9 percent rum, 1.2 percent vodka, and 0.3 percent gin.
Information from the Tequila Regulatory Council shows that between January and October 2020, one million 159.4 thousand liters of its drink were sold, almost 2 percent higher than that reported in the same period last year. While INEGI points out that the sale of young tequila grew 17.1 percent, while the sale of rompope rose by 1.9 percent.
“We detected that, in the brandy category, which is largely national, an increase of 9 percent was reported, which is much higher than the 4 percent of the spirits industry in general,” said the Marketing Manager of Pedro Domecq House.
José Moro, president of Bodegas Emilio Moro, said in an interview that working with e-commerce platforms also helped them, because it allows people to know more about their products.
“You have to have the sales channels atomized so as not to assume all the risk and have the most loyal consumers located, and you have to make it easy for them. Without a doubt, we have seen the impact generated by COVID, but we see it more as an opportunity than as a misfortune, personally, professionally and in life, we must be prepared to restart, “he said.