Are you feeling bored with your old PC? Your present system is not satisfying you anymore? Want to replace your old version with the new one? As we know, everything is possible in this world; you can find the solution at technogage and can easily convert your simple PC into a pro gaming PC. Building a PC from scratch seems to be interesting if you are confident that your PC can satisfy all of your personal preferences. A home-built PC has the quality that it can be easily upgraded according to your game taste. But if you are new in this field, building a gaming PC on your own can be deterring. That’s why we are providing you step by step guidelines to make it easier for you.
Compatibility of your Current pc
First, you have to observe your existing system And your gaming level. If you have a household system and convertible, make a list of things you need to upgrade your computer to run the game. Please find out your motherboard model and its specifications. If you are the owner of a tower-casing PC, converting your PC into a gaming version is possible. Big games require Specific speed for the processor to run smoothly. Find out the requirements needed by your computer to run a certain game, take a look at your RAM, PROCESSOR, AND HARD DRIVE.
direct and simple steps for conversion:
The basic step for the conversion of PC is “shopping” you have to purchase some useful and essential tools for converting the simple PC into a gaming PC.
Basic tools
- Motherboard
- Processor
- Graphics card
Let’s turn your boring PC into a gaming PC:
Step 1.
- Upgrade motherboard. If your motherboard is not compatible with your game requirements, change it with a new upgraded gaming motherboard because the motherboard is the basis of all the connections in the system. Motherboard with a newly released generated processor can fulfill your dream of the best gaming experience. A good gaming motherboard can take you to the next level of gaming experience with upgraded graphic quality and good speed.
- Processor, a smart and upgrade process is the basic requirements for a gaming system. It depends on the demand of the game and the speed of the game you want to play on your PC. CPU is very important for the speed of the game. If the processor’s speed is not compatible with the game’s speed, you can’t enjoy the game and also get input lag in many cases.
- RAM, 16 GB RAM is the ideal type for many games, but you can also live with 8GB. If you have insufficient RAM, your game itself will lag out because of thrashing and low speed. Most PC systems have a slot to add more memory, you can install it in your system, but if your system doesn’t have enough room, you can replace it with new RAM.
- Graphics card, graphic card is the main factor for gaming PC. For experiencing a great gaming experience, you have to upgrade your graphic card. If the rest of the system is working well and you want to update your system for a certain game, you can only upgrade the graphic card to play the particular game. Many games run better with more core and faster CPU. A graphic card is designed to rapidly and alter the memory to accelerate the images in a frame for better output to a display device. With the installation of the graphic card, your system’s performance will be significantly improved, and you can upgrade your simple computer to a good gaming computer.
- SSD: the solid straight drive is the best addition in the world of technology. The traditional hard drive is comparatively slower than the SSD. If you want to make your system fast, upgrading to an SSD is the best option to speed up your computer system. It is used as a storage device in a computer and performs the same function as a hard drive modified way. You can upgrade your system hardware with the storage experts. This updating is comparatively cheaper and more affordable.
- Upgrade your computer monitor; consider purchasing a new monitor if you are not out of your budget. If you use a lower resolution display, upgrade it with a new vibrant screen, supporting AMD’s free sync technology for modern gaming. If you are a gamer, a good monitor is more suitable for display and to eliminate stutter and screen tearing in-game
- Cooling system; clean your system with blowers, and remove all the dust. Upgrade the fan to avoid overheating, and it can also increase the lifecycle of your system.
Building your system is more affordable, and you can create your Gaming PC according to your needs.