The following article gives a comprehensive insight regarding different Steroids UK available in the market and their indications as per their properties and adverse effects.
Steroids and Their Indications:
History of using UK steroids dates back to many years, some were produced for therapeutic uses and some were manufactured for non-medical reasons. There are two main classes of steroids such as cortico-steroids used mostly for the therapeutic reasons such as in auto-immune disorders and allergies and the other type anabolic androgenic steroids are confined mostly for the muscle building and fat loss purpose among the individuals linked with the athletic field and the body building and power lifting world.
Idea of Solo Cycle and Stacks:
Androgenic anabolic steroids are either used singly or in combinations to achieve the following effects:
- To preserve muscles
- To gain lean muscle mass
- To loss fat deposits
- To build stamina and allow body to work more efficiently in the gym
- To increase strength and endurance of the body
- To help body recover fast from post work-out injuries to muscles
- To help body cope up with the fatigue associated with low calorie diet
- Also helps in increasing the mineral density of the bone
When a single steroid is used it is known as a solo cycle and when more than one steroid combined to enhance the effect of the cycle than such a combination is labelled as stack or combos. The steroidal medicine is always taken in the cycle form where a specific dose is taken for a certain time period than the dose is increased till the end of the cycle then slowly tapered off.
Concept of Bulking:
Bulking refers to the phenomena where a certain steroid is taken with the main purpose of to preserve the present muscular content and further gains are also ensured in the form of lean muscle mass. Muscular hypertrophy is also noticed and steroids also retain water in a very specialized manner that gives the muscles a fuller look. Bulking steroids allows the body builder or the athlete to attain that typical hypertrophied ripped dry physique which is among one of the main requirements of the body builder.
Best Steroids for Bulking:
Here is the list of some of the famous bulking steroids that are commonly used and are famous for their bulking properties:
Mechanism of Action of Bulking Steroids:
The basic mechanism of action of bulking steroids is somewhat the same and they bring about their effects by the following ways:
- They increase the nitrogenous reserves in the muscles and the bones hence an increment in the nitrogen levels ensures more protein production through accelerating the amino acid chain link ups.
- They increase the mineral content of the bones hence making them dense and able to withstand more pressure and able to work more effectively during the strength training.
- It also helps in dissolving the fat and giving the body a slimmer, toned and lean look.
- Provision of readily form of energy in the form of ATP also helps in remaining active ad fit.
Concept of Cutting Through Steroids:
Cutting is the process where the main target to use the steroid is the dissolution of the excessive fat in the body. There are two types of fat deposits found one is the sub-cutaneous and the other is the visceral fat. Some steroids are good at targeting one type of the fat others target both types.
Most Recommended Steroids for Cutting:
Most commonly used steroids for cutting cycle are as follows:
- Anavar
- Winstrol
- Virilon
- proviron
Mechanism of Action of Cutting Steroids:
When calorie deficient diet along-with a specific workout routine is followed then cutting steroid can be highly beneficial in cutting the excessive fat along-with some lean muscle mass preservation. If the target is to achieve larger muscles or more muscle mass then cutting cycle is not the recommended one as preservation and gain in muscle mass is still there but not to the extent of bulking cycle. It ats by boosting up the metabolism and shedding excess fat but healthy eating and work out is a must to shed the excessive mass and attain a toned body.
Anavar steroids also known as Oxandrolone belongs to the class of anabolic steroids.
Anavar UK is one of the most commonly usedsteroid and it is primarily used for the purpose of gaining weight in the individuals who have lost significant amount of muscle mass due to the following reasons such as:
- surgeries
- trauma
- cancer patients
- burn injuries
- long term cortico-steroids therapy
- To relieve bone pain after bone loss
It is also one of the very few female friendly steroids, so can be used by the females. It is also very famous among the body builders and athletes as it brings the following effects:
- Decrease total body fat
- Increase protein synthesis in skeletal muscles
- Increase nitrogen retention
- Improves muscle functions, endurance and agility
- Replacement for the natural loss of androgen and estrogen hormones
Anavar is an oral steroid and people Buy Anavar UKin the tablet or pill form of different strengths such as 5 mg or 10 mg.
Anavar for Bulking:
When it comes to Anavar for bulking then it is an ideal compound for the lean bulking cycle as it helps in fat loss alongside its’ diuretic effects that will flush put the retained or extra water or fluids and will give a dry ripped look.
Anavar for Cutting:
Anavar can be considered as an ideal compound for the cutting cycle as it is very effective in burning the right number of calories accompanied with fat loss and preserving lean muscle mass at the same time and giving toned and ripped ideal physique.
Anavar has a very diverse nature so it can be used for both cutting and bulking cycles, calorie intake and work out pattern will determine the outcome. It can be used as a solo or stack and the duration of cycles are mostly up to 8 weeks followed by post cycle therapy.