2022 is the year of rebooting and reopening. Not a single soul throughout the world is unaware of the pandemic. Starting from Wuhan and now reigning over the world is the Coronavirus. It’s been two whole years in Corona that required us to be trapped in our homes. This also made us experience a new format of working sphere. Work from home was a dream for many but the tables turned quickly, and now it isn’t.
Waves after waves destroyed every small effort the world tried to get back to normal. But now is a new time to start again. 2022 seems perfect to reopen your coworking spaces safely. Here is all you need to be aware of to make the thought go. Starting from why going by Dos and Don’ts is what we are looking at for reopening your coworking space in 2022. In 2022, you can look out for coworking space in Coimbatore.
Why Do We Need To Reopen?
First of all, there isn’t a better time than now. As said earlier, working from home was the desirable mode of working until we were forced to do it. It was either working from home or losing your job. Nobody would want to lose their job in these chaotic times.
With the rising vaccination camps and decreasing reports of Corona, now is the right time to reopen. People are more willing to get in outer space and feel some fresh air with the mask on.
Dos Everyone Should Do
Safety is the key, but someone would appreciate a little help you can offer in the restoring phase. So here are some things that you can do as an individual as well as a coworking organisation.
1. 3 Anti-Covid Rules
The 3 anti covid rules are something that doesn’t require any introduction. This basically means having your shield on, maintaining a safe distance and sanitisation. This is the new normal one has to learn essentially at the coworking space. Not for your own safety but for everyone around.
You wouldn’t want to carry those germs around and risk everyone’s life. Following these 3 anti covid rules aren’t a choice but a must in coworking space.
2. Extra Cautious On Entry
We all have heard the phrase, “Prevention is better than cure”. So why not implement that in real life too. We can be extra cautious at the entrance of the coworking space. We can put a thermal scanner to monitor one’s body temperature. Also, the contactless sanitiser dispenser would be great.
3. Sanitisation Accessories
Carrying accessories earlier was part of your personality. But the new normal requires you to carry disinfectants. Both individually and in the coworking space, there should be these sanitisation accessories like disinfectant sprays and wipes. The workers can use and deep cleanse their desktops and chair.
4. Air Purifier
The HVAC system was the conventional system used in coworking spaces. But now, we have to get better and excel in all cleansing and sanitising spheres. Air purifiers can be the best in the field yet. So there can be an addition or upgrade in the coworking space. It will filter out the air and keep all the germs and pollutants at bay.
5. Safe Distance
The best thing you can now do for your loved ones and coworkers has maintained a safe distance. Let’s just normalise it. An odd-even function can be used for workers required to come into the office. Distance between desks in coworking space, chairs in the meeting hall or just a coffee break would be appreciated.
6. Regular Cleansing
With all types of cleansing individual and common, this goes unsaid. Regular cleansing is a must for a coworking space that is considering reopening. Just a formality cleaning or surface disinfection wouldn’t do the job. Regular cleansing is a must.
7. Remedy Share Sesh
We all have seen a whole lot of WhatsApp remedies and rumours. And that is eternal. But the home remedies that are tested and used in homes all these decades. We all can use these home remedies if we share our coworking space.
8. Mandate Vaccination
It takes me so much pain to still ask people to get vaccinated. It isn’t a 100 % full proof cure to covid. But still, it’s better than nothing. Vaccination creates a barrier, and the symptoms are mild after you’re vaccinated. So it should be, and it is mandated in coworking spaces that workers are fully or partially vaccinated.
Don’ts You Wouldn’t Want
There are a whole lot of don’ts you would like to avoid. Here are some you would love to keep in mind.
1. No outsiders, members policy
One new policy you might enjoy is allowing members only in the coworking space. Outsiders may bring those unwanted guests. You wouldn’t like to welcome those and risk every single life.
If you can’t avoid outsiders, you can allot a secluded meeting room close to the entrance only so that they don’t travel through your whole coworking space.
2. Taking it casual
The gen-z is all about carelessness and impromptu decisions. The youngsters avoid these covid protocols. So being serious and following covid protocols should be cool.
3. Relying on HVAC
The modern pandemic times require an upgrade. As discussed earlier, HVAC wouldn’t do the job now. Air purifier is a must for coworking space. The deep cleansing of HVAC can avoid germs breeding if done properly.
4. Flexible Working Hours
Adjusting to the new normal is the task for now. It will take some time to move back into coworking space from working from snuggly couches. Flexible working hours is one thing that can help coworkers to adjust.
5. No Takeaways
Another policy you can offer to avoid germs from outside is no takeaways in coworking space. Carrying your orders from one place to another will carry a lot of germs along with it. Coworkers can be strictly prohibited to do so. Carrying lunch boxes can be encouraged. It will be healthy and economical both.
Closing Points
For the closing points, there can be a whole lot. Starting from 3 step covid protocol till taking them as a personal responsibility to follow. If one can take care of their own safety, it will be a lot easier to work back in function. Let’s not take it as a government’s duty which it isn’t. We can first help ourselves and then others. People shouldn’t take it for granted. They are lucky to still have a job. Be grateful for what you have before it becomes what you had. And this applies to both your health and your job. Following these dos and don’ts will have you reopen your coworking space safely. For the best community, you can go for the coworking space in Noida Sector 62.